All the Little Things — drawing


Posted by Julia Ogden on

I began drawing birds at Art College. We had been set a project to make an artist's book based on whatever we liked and I very much liked Barry Hines "A Kestral for a Knave" at the time. I was in a strange stage of life where I had grown out of the small northern town where I came from but I was yet to find my feet in in this new and strange place; Edinburgh. I was reading a lot of northern literature as I liked to be transported to the comfort of the hills, yet most of it...

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Winter walks and sketches

Posted by Julia Ogden on

Like most people in my home town of Hebden Bridge I have been enjoying the snow. The valley looks so beautiful under white blankets and an array of blues. On wintery walks I have been taking lots of photographs and just started getting into a routine of choosing one everyday to draw; blocking in the shadows with watercolour to be sketched on later. It has felt a lovely process and the drawings have been quite free and feel less overworked.. Can you tell I fell in love with the Texel sheep? A lot of these drawings are from a lovely...

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100 day project..a selection

Posted by Julia Ogden on

So after doing the March Meet the Maker challenge on Instagram, I thought I would have a break, but it is funny how you get into a routine of posting! I then saw the 100 day project in which people pledge to be creative every day for 100 days. This idea felt a little overwhelming but I thought about what creative things I really wanted to do but knew I often push to the side. Here was the perfect opportunity to give myself not only a little friendly pressure but also the permission to make art just to be creative. So...

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