All the Little Things
Three Common misconceptions about what I do...
Posted by Julia Ogden on
Well misconception is a bit harsh.. But I will delve into my memory bank of things said to me at art fairs purely to share some of my processes. No reprimands here. Here we go.. "Where do you get your designs?" This was nice as I started to imagine my print designs were so good that people thought they weren't made by human hand. I can dream anyway. So all my screen prints begin with a pen drawing, a biro in fact. With time and patience I usually get a good drawing which I then screen print. I am lucky...
Why I became a screen printer...
Posted by Julia Ogden on
It never crossed my mind to be a screen printer before my degree. I loved drawing, a bit of collage maybe, but that was it. However the print making department at Edinburgh College of Art was a very special place. It opened up a whole new world to me. I had already fallen in love with the concept of an artist's book and this was a place where I could print my primitively compiled words and illustrations. I did most of my lettering with letraset or words printed from my friends computer and then cut up and collaged, or even...
New Linen Cushions
Posted by Julia Ogden on
I was trying to think when I last learnt a new skill. With my artwork I am always trying to develop but I haven't tried a completely different process for a while. After Christmas I found out I had got into the Hepworth Print Fair .I began to imagine my stand and thought although I use blocks of colour in my prints and cards I would love to have some larger blasts of colour by way of printed fabrics. So I began drawing designs for cushions. I am no pattern designer so I felt one large image on the cushion front...