All the Little Things — artist studio

My Studio

Posted by Julia Ogden on

After endless interviews for teaching jobs that I never got or in the end did not even exist (due to cuts in the arts) I decided to just create my own classes. This was about eight years ago and I just needed a venue. I remembered that my friend Hannah had a spare room at her studio and so I plucked up the courage to ask if I could use the room sometimes for workshops.  She said; "Why don't you just have it as your studio all the time?" and I thought ; "Why not?" I don't think I was...

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How to commission a painting

Posted by Julia Ogden on

To commission a painting can feel a big leap from buying artwork already made.  How do you guarantee that the artist is on the same page as you in regards to cost, look and feel? And as an artist I feel that too. I really want you to be happy with your commission and convey the atmosphere and colour palette you had in mind. How it begins... I chat to you about the place you would like painting, the size, the colours, the season, what kind of sky it is! I may ask you for photographs, which helps see the...

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My studio

Posted by Julia Ogden on

I am easing back into working in my studio. I feel so blessed to have it; the windows are amazing. Obviously with lockdown it felt better to work at home, because I have a desk there and don't need much else. But I had a few collections to be there for, so I am enjoying the light, the blossom outside my window and the goldfinches at my bird feeder!  I have been in the studio about six years I think! It came about because I was looking for a place to teach my art classes. I knew the amazing Hannah Nunn...

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