All the Little Things — moon
New Moon
Posted by Julia Ogden on
It has been a long time since I have drawn a moon in pen, so the other week I did! I drew it with a view to screen printing it. I have been mulling over how to draw a crescent moon with some kind of circle background as I really loved the sphere motif. I started sketching, not really sure how it would turn out.. I knew the circle in the background would need to be dark, but I still wanted some detail. This would prove tricky to print but I didn't know that for sure yet. My first attempt...
Moons and multiples
Posted by Julia Ogden on
I have always felt much more at ease making multiple drawings and paintings. My sketchbooks at college were filled with pages that flowed and linked yet when it came to a final piece I seized up. Maybe it was the pressure. So now I try and approach my artwork as sketchbook pages; part of a bigger theme not just one statement. One of the themes I return to time and again is the moon. I started drawing it as a development from the circles I was using in my prints; it was the perfect circle; with detail and meaning. Kingfisher...